Living lives filled with intention

Recently on my other blog, I wrote about the differences between good intentions and being intentional.  If you haven't read it yet, please check it out here While this blog post will be similar, I promise it's not exactly the same.  As women I find that we are often filled with incredible guilt.  This guilt comes in many forms, and sometimes I suppose can be well founded, but for me personally, the guilt I "feel" is 100% self induced and false.

  • I'm not sure what you might feel guilt about, but perhaps you have had these thoughts in the past, or have them now.
  • I'm not a good daughter, I don't spend enough time with my family.
  • I'm not a good wife, I don't give my husband the respect he deserves.
  • I'm not a good mother, I yelled at the kids today.
  • I'm not a good housekeeper, my mother never had a messy house.

Should I continue?  I don't believe that God ever intended or desired us to live under such a heavy weight of guilt and shame.  Instead He desires that we live in victory and enjoy the life He's given us.

Most days I spend time praying that God will fill in the gaps in my kids lives that I am not filling.  I pray that He gives them what they need to become remarkable adults in His kingdom work.  I pray that my husband knows that I dearly love him, and treasure my life with him, even when I forget to show him how much he means.  I pray that a magic fairy will arrive at the house overnight and clean my home so I don't have to. Ok, ok not really, but a girl can dream right?

I pray that you will understand that this false guilt of should haves and should do's  is the enemy working to keep you defeated.  Being intentional in this arena of thought, means getting rid of the thoughts that weigh you down mentally.  Committing every thought to the Father, and asking Him to provide your every need.  May you know His strength and purpose today!


Don't forget the other wonderful resource of coloring pages available to you for daily download.  If you haven't checked it out yet, go here now! 


Book Review & Giveaway!!

Oh! I am so excited to be doing a giveaway!  I received a book to read and review and post on my blog, and I never expected it to be such an encouragement to me! WOW!  So below you will see the review.  But keep reading! Because there you will see the giveaway info as well!  And a bonus!  Amy has a book club Breaking Up With Perfect that will start on August 1. Check out her website to receive more info on the book club!  I've already signed up :)  You can also be added to the Facebook closed group page by clicking here Breaking Up with Perfect by Amy Carroll

I just finished reading this book, and I am sitting here wondering how Amy crawled inside my head and wrote a story about my life.  Coming to grips with my propensity to perfection has been such a lifelong journey, and it wasn’t until after I was married I realized how very deeply entrenched my perfectionistic tendencies were.  Amy describes the Good Girl list so perfectly and I instantly identified with this idea.  What I was surprised by though, was the way she included the Never Good Enough girls.  I had never thought about this group of women in this way.  My heart has always longed to encourage and many times, the women I find myself encouraging could fall onto that list.  I had never connected the perfection problem for them as well since it’s looks different then the Good Girl list.

Her insights on friendships and dealing with conflict are needful and while I had assumed I had made such progress personally, she highlighted some needs I still have to deal with.

The added benefit of going deeper is such a nice bonus.  While my initial reading has been fairly quick, I am looking forward to going back and going deeper and using my highlighter throughout many of her pages.  Friends - if your perfectionism is keeping you from living a joy filled life, you need to take a look and consider what she has to say.

She writes not as someone who has all the answers, but someone who has been in our shoes, and still fights the battle.  She's given it to God and she's learned from her past mistakes and shares with us what she learned.

So here's the deal - I have one free copy of Breaking Up with Perfect by Amy Carroll to give away to you my sweet readers and friends!

To be eligible for the giveaway I need you to do only 3 things:

#1 - like the Encouraging Women Today Facebook page here .  If you want to see what happens more regularly, you need to check the box under the like menu to see first, or to receive notifications, otherwise you might miss out on some good encouragement!

#2 - share either the link to this blog post, or the link to the Encouraging Women Today post on Twitter or Facebook or both

#3 - comment on the Facebook page that you have completed the steps. If you also want to comment here on the blog that's wonderful too.. :)  All the comments help!

The winner will be chosen randomly from the people who tell me that they followed the steps!  Winner will be selected on Friday!
